Monday, March 14, 2011

Pax East 2011

I've just returned from PAX, my first incidentally, and it was very different from anything I had expected.

I've been to Blizzcons and E3's, but PAX has a different vibe, it caters to a different person. The people that attend aren't just gamers (those that PLAY video games), they are the people that are passionate about the entire industry. They want to be a part of it, they want to make games, draw art, and compose music. And I think that's the kind of person I am. I need to check out GDC, because I have a feeling I'm might also be THAT kind of person.

In fact, I've recently done something incredibly insane. I quit my day job. A good paying, stable one for a very large company in the beauty industry.

People have said "you've got balls" and "I'm jealous that you can do that." But the reality is that I'm scared shitless. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do, and I'm not the type that backs down from a challenge.

The challenge in this case, just happens to be finding my passion. And so, it is today, the day after PaxEast ends, that I will do just that.

And so this blog is born.

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